Extreme Heat Warning for all of Saskatchewan

Extreme Heat Waring for all of Saskatchewan all areas
Extreme heat warning for all of Saskatchewan, temperatures are expected to bring daytime highs in the
low to mid 30’s for the next five days. Heat related illnesses occur when we can’t transfer enough heat
away from our bodies through sweating and blood flow to the skin. Babies, elderly, obese persons and
people with chronic conditions are at greater risk, because their bodies don’t transfer heat as effectively.
However, anyone is at risk for possible heat-related illness and should take precautions.
General tips
- Stay hydrated…Drink plenty of water.
- Remember caffeinated or alcoholic drinks can lead to dehydration.
- Exercise when it is cooler and try to stay out of the sun.
- When outside wear loose fitting, light-coloured clothing—don’t forget sunblock and a wide-brimmed hat and mosquito repellant.
- NEVER leave children and/or pets unattended in vehicles.
- Check on children often to see if they are staying cool.
- If you take medications, check with your doctor or pharmacist about possible side effects during extreme heat.
- Babies, children, pregnant women and the elderly are more vulnerable to extreme heat. Ensure they
are adequately protected and kept cool.
Cooling down
- Go to a public place that is cool (shopping mall, public library, church, pool).
- Even an hour or two in air conditioning can help your body stay cooler when you go back into the heat.
- Cool yourself off by taking a cool shower, bath or sponge bath.
- Cool damp cloths on the back of the neck can also help cool your body down.
- Point a fan at a bucket filled with four cups of ice water. This will produce cool air that will help cool you down.
- Electric fans may provide comfort but when the temperature is in the high 30s, fans will not prevent heat-related illness.
Keeping your house cool
- Cool your house down at night: open windows to let hot air out if the evening air is cool.
- Avoid the use of ovens, washing machines, and dishwashers that heat up your house during the day.
- Keep your curtains or blinds closed during the day, especially on windows that face south or west.
- Close windows when the outside is hotter than inside your house.
Remember your neighbours, family and friends that might be on their own: check on them, bring water, and ensure they are keeping cool and call 911 if someone is suffering from heat related danger.
For more information, call your community health clinic or visit https://weather.gc.ca/warnings/index_e.html
Environment Canada’s weather report
Sent on Behalf of Dr. Ibrahim Khan, ISC-FNIHB NHO