24-Hour Emergency ServicePh: (306) 332-5611Emergency: Dial 911450 8th StreetFort Qu'Appelle, SK, CANOffice Hours Mon-Fri: 8 am - 4 pm

MEMORANDUM: Emergency Services

November 9, 2022


Date: November 9, 2022

From: ANHH Administration

RE: Emergency Services


Please be advised that All Nations’ Healing Hospital (ANHH) has been experiencing high patient volumes in the emergency department (ED). Please anticipate longer than expected wait times and temporary disruptions in being able to accept EMS. Providing high-quality, safe and wholisitic emergency services to our community is essential, and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Emergency Services remain open 24/7

All patients presenting to the ED are triaged by a Registered Nurse using the Canadian Triage Acuity Scale (CTAS) ranging from one signifying the sickest and five the least sick based on the information provided by the patient, family members, and EMS staff. This ensures providing treatment to the patients with the most urgent care needs first.

Our staff are working very hard to provide you with timely and culturally safe health services and care.

We thank you for your cooperation to be kind, polite, respectful, and patient when accessing care at ANHH to help support a positive experience for all.


Kendra Filteau
Director of Acute & Clinical Services

All Nations’ Healing Hospital is owned and operated by File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council (FHQTC) and Touchwood Agency Tribal Council (TATC) and is funded through a transfer agreement from Health Canada and an operating agreement with the Saskatchewan Health Authority.

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