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MEMO: FHQTC Health Services Achieves Exemplary Standing

December 16, 2022

Memorandum (PDF DOWNLOAD)

Date:               December 16, 2022

From:              Lorna Breitkreuz, Director of Programs and Community Health Services

Re:                   FHQTC Health Services Achieves Exemplary Standing


FHQTC Health Services has recently been accredited with Exemplary Standing from Accreditation Canada, which is the highest standing that can be achieved.  FHQTC Health Services was assessed against standards of excellence in health care to identify what is being done well and what needs to be improved. This is a huge accomplishment for our organization, and we are thrilled to have attained this ranking.

Receiving exemplary standing affirms and gives our organization, staff, clients, and communities we serve the confidence that we are delivering the highest quality care and services.  This means that as an organization, we are keeping patients, clients, community members, and their families safe while working together in their care and giving timely and equitable services. Our staff makes the best use of resources, does the right thing to achieve the best results, and works with our communities to forecast and meet their needs.

FHQTC health services views accreditation as a continuous improvement journey as Health standards and the required operational practices are always changing.   Since our last accreditation assessment four years ago, the Health Services staff made quality improvement a part of everyday activities, and everyone’s job.

A huge thank you goes to the health staff for their hard work and dedication in going above and beyond to achieve this highest standing.


Lorna Breitkreuz

Director of Programs and Community Health Services

All Nations’ Healing Hospital is owned and operated by File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council (FHQTC) and Touchwood Agency Tribal Council (TATC) and is funded through a transfer agreement from Health Canada and an operating agreement with the Saskatchewan Health Authority.

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