24-Hour Emergency ServicePh: (306) 332-5611Emergency: Dial 911450 8th StreetFort Qu'Appelle, SK, CANOffice Hours Mon-Fri: 8 am - 4 pm

White Raven Healing Centre


(306) 332-2655


Monday – Friday
8:30am – 4:30pm

24 hour emergency services available

White Raven Healing Centre Brochure PDF Coming Soon

THE VISION of the White Raven Healing Centre is to provide client-centered mental health and addictions services that integrates the best of mainstream therapeutic techniques with traditional First Nation healing practices to provide a wholistic approach to heal from past traumatic experiences and current psychological issues.

OUR MISSION is to promote guiding principles that will encourage open communication with all individuals, families and communities. Our primary focus is to provide traditional and conventional counselling designed to address the legacy of intergenerational impacts of residential schools and unresolved trauma and family violence.

THE WHITE RAVEN HEALING CENTRE was obtained through a traditional naming ceremony and was named by the Grandmother Spirit, White Raven, the head Grandmother who sits in the West.

White Ravel Healing Centre services include:

Indian residential School Resolution Health Support Workers Program
Counselling Program
Training Workshops
Holistic Wellness Treatment Programs
Elders, Men, Women, and Children Programming
Addictions – Outpatient/Outreach
In-house Services and Evening Programming
Cultural Access, Support and Programming

All Nations’ Healing Hospital is owned and operated by File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council (FHQTC) and Touchwood Agency Tribal Council (TATC) and is funded through a transfer agreement from Health Canada and an operating agreement with the Saskatchewan Health Authority.

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