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ISC Medical Health Officer Letter – Variants of Concern and Travel 04-15-21

April 15, 2021

via Indigenous Services Canada

Dr. Ibrahim Khan
Medical Health Officer
Indigenous Services Canada
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch Saskatchewan Region

Alvin Hamilton Building 1783 Hamilton Street Regina, SK S4P 2B6 Office: (306) 564-9175


April 15, 2021

A change to the Public Health Order is effective immediately because COVID-19 variants are posing a risk to public health.

Everyone in Saskatchewan must stay in their “household bubbles”. Visits and indoor social gatherings are not allowed until at least April 26, 2021.

Travel should be limited to essential reasons only. Essential reasons include employment, medical care, compassionate reasons and obtaining groceries/household supplies. If you must visit another community, do not make extra stops or visits along the way.

Variants do not respect man-made borders. Travel to other provinces and countries is very high risk. Now is NOT the time to take a vacation or a trip to visit family.

If you absolutely must travel to another province, follow the local public health rules of that province. When you return, the Government of Saskatchewan strongly recommends you:

  1. Get tested the day you return to Saskatchewan (Day 0)
  2. Get tested seven days later (Day 7)
  3. Watch for symptoms very closely and stay home as much as possible between tests.
  4. If you develop symptoms (even mild cold or flu-like symptoms) self-isolate and seek a test immediately.

International travel is strongly discouraged. International restrictions may change quickly and without notice. If you do travel, you may be stranded at your own expense. Health services may be limited.

To return to Canada from another country, you must follow federal quarantine laws and isolate for 14 days on return. You will need to show a negative COVID-19 PCR test before AND after returning, as well as complete isolation. Air travellers have even more stringent requirements.

For more information: saskatchewan.ca/coronavirus or https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid .


All Nations’ Healing Hospital is owned and operated by File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council (FHQTC) and Touchwood Agency Tribal Council (TATC) and is funded through a transfer agreement from Health Canada and an operating agreement with the Saskatchewan Health Authority.

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