24-Hour Emergency ServicePh: (306) 332-5611Emergency: Dial 911450 8th StreetFort Qu'Appelle, SK, CANOffice Hours Mon-Fri: 8 am - 4 pm

March 1, 2022 Covid-19Health

February 28, 2022

Outbreak of COVID-19 in All Nations’ Healing Hospital Declared Over

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) public health officials are notifying the public that the outbreak of COVID-19 declared on January 19, 2022 for the All Nations’ Healing Hospital has been declared over today, February 28, 2022.

We thank the staff and leadership at the All Nations’ Healing Hospital for their prompt and thorough response to the situation to protect the health of staff, patients and visitors.



January 24, 2022 Covid-19Health

During COVID-19 Outbreak please be advised that ANHH has moved to Level 3 Family Presence

  • In consultation with the care team, one essential family/support can be designated to assist with care if needed (self-care, mobility, nutrition & behavioural needs)
  • Options for outdoor visits to be determined in consultation with local MHOs
  • Two essential family/support members can be present at the same time for:
    • Palliative care, hospice care or those who are high risk for loss of life/had a dramatic shift in function/are unlikely to leave the hospital; – – Patients in: intensive care; maternal, postpartum and pediatric units



January 20, 2022 Covid-19Health


January 20, 2022
Kendra Filteau, Director of Acute & Clinical Services

Temporary Service Reduction

Please be advised that due to continued staffing pressures and declared COVID-19 Outbreak status, All Nations’ Healing Hospital (ANHH) will experience further temporary reduction to acute in-patient services. Effective immediately there will be temporary closure of two additional in-patient beds to a total capacity of eight beds.

Emergency services remain open 24/7

The situation will be monitored by the local MHO to resume full in-patient capacity as soon as safely able. We apologize for this continued impact to service. Your patience and understanding during this challenging time are greatly appreciated.


October 8, 2021 Covid-19


October 7, 2021

ATTN: First Nation community members across Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan is in the midst of a fourth wave of COVID-19 that is more dangerous than previous waves. Our province is seeing record high rates of daily new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and ICU admissions. The Delta variant and low rates of vaccination are the two main factors driving the growth of these new cases.

The Delta variant is the dominant variant of concern circulating in Saskatchewan. This variant is transmitting more quickly and to more people within communities than previous variants. It often results in more severe outcomes, particularly in those individuals who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. Vaccination levels in many communities have not yet reached the targeted levels needed to keep the virus from circulating. This is what is making this wave so threatening.

There is an increased risk of the Delta variant with children under 12 years of age. They remain our largest unvaccinated cohort as they are not yet eligible to be vaccinated. All eligible youth and adults should get fully vaccinated to provide the best circle of protection around them.

Household gatherings remain the biggest source of transmission of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan. Close quarters and sharing food are high risk activities for transmitting the virus. As Medical Health Officers, we urge you to take precautions this long weekend to stop the transmission of the virus and prevent further pressures on our health care system. We strongly recommend the following:

  • If you are unvaccinated, you should not gather with family and friends this long weekend, as you are putting them at risk. Meet and greet others outdoors as much as possible as the risk of transmission is lower.
  • If gathering indoors, be aware of the vaccination status of all your guests. Children under 12 are at elevated risk of transmission as they cannot be vaccinated at this time.
  • If gathering in a public place or enjoying long weekend activities, follow the masking and/or proof of vaccination or test requirements of that location. These requirements are in place for everyone’s safety.

We cannot let our guards down this long weekend. The virus is very smart and will spread at any chance it gets. We all have a role to play to curb this fourth wave and these short-term measures can help stop further transmission of COVID-19 to protect children, families and communities.


Dr. Ibrahim Khan, Medical Health Officer, Indigenous Services Canada, SK Region

Dr. Nnamdi Ndubuka, Medical Health Officer, Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority Inc.


April 15, 2021 Covid-19

via Indigenous Services Canada

Dr. Ibrahim Khan
Medical Health Officer
Indigenous Services Canada
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch Saskatchewan Region

Alvin Hamilton Building 1783 Hamilton Street Regina, SK S4P 2B6 Office: (306) 564-9175


April 15, 2021

A change to the Public Health Order is effective immediately because COVID-19 variants are posing a risk to public health.

Everyone in Saskatchewan must stay in their “household bubbles”. Visits and indoor social gatherings are not allowed until at least April 26, 2021.

Travel should be limited to essential reasons only. Essential reasons include employment, medical care, compassionate reasons and obtaining groceries/household supplies. If you must visit another community, do not make extra stops or visits along the way.

Variants do not respect man-made borders. Travel to other provinces and countries is very high risk. Now is NOT the time to take a vacation or a trip to visit family.

If you absolutely must travel to another province, follow the local public health rules of that province. When you return, the Government of Saskatchewan strongly recommends you:

  1. Get tested the day you return to Saskatchewan (Day 0)
  2. Get tested seven days later (Day 7)
  3. Watch for symptoms very closely and stay home as much as possible between tests.
  4. If you develop symptoms (even mild cold or flu-like symptoms) self-isolate and seek a test immediately.

International travel is strongly discouraged. International restrictions may change quickly and without notice. If you do travel, you may be stranded at your own expense. Health services may be limited.

To return to Canada from another country, you must follow federal quarantine laws and isolate for 14 days on return. You will need to show a negative COVID-19 PCR test before AND after returning, as well as complete isolation. Air travellers have even more stringent requirements.

For more information: saskatchewan.ca/coronavirus or https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid .



April 13, 2021 Covid-19
via Indigenous Services Canada


April 12, 2021

Outbreak of COVID-19 in All Nations Healing Hospital Declared Over

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) public health officials are notifying the public that the outbreak of COVID-19 declared on March 16, 2021 for All Nations Healing Hospital has been declared over today, April 12, 2021.

All Nations Healing Hospital remains open for emergency services, other clinical services and visiting specialists. COVID-19 precautions remain in effect. We thank the staff and leadership at All Nations Healing Hospital for their prompt and thorough response to the situation to protect the health of staff, patients and visitors to All Nations Healing Hospital.

We are reminding everyone of important and simple measures all can take to minimize the risk of transmission in all settings:

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Maintain physical distancing of at least six feet or two meters.
  • Always wear a mask indoors in all public places or shared areas at work.
  • Do not gather or share food at work, including breakrooms, at check-stops, warm-up areas, smoking areas, etc.
  • If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 or feel unwell, stay at home.
  • Seek medical care if you need it. If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, reschedule your appointments to a later time,when possible. If the appointment is of an urgent nature, call ahead of your appointment time, noting you have COVID- 19 symptoms. If you test positive, a public health worker will contact you privately for next steps. If you are having medical emergency, call 911.

The Health Canada COVID Alert app is available to all Saskatchewan residents at no cost in the Apple and Google Play app store. This is another tool available to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 by letting people know of possible exposures without sharing any personal information. For more information, visit the COVID-19 Apps webpage.

Your informed choices and actions will make a difference to protect yourself and others.



March 16, 2021 Covid-19

VIA Indigenous Services Canada



March 16, 2021

Outbreak of COVID-19 in All Nations Healing Hospital

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) public health officials are notifying the public that an outbreak of COVID-19 has been declared on Mar 16, 2021 in All Nations Healing Hospital.

All Nations Healing Hospital remains open for emergency services, other clinical services and visiting specialists.

Contact tracing and testing is ongoing. Testing is available to anyone through either the 811 HealthLine or by contacting the health center in your community. Confirmed cases of COVID-19 and all close contacts must self-isolate.

Please be aware, there is a significant rise in COVID-19 variants of concern in Saskatchewan, particularly in the Regina area. At this time, we are discouraging any non-essential travel to other communities and/or provinces.




We are reminding everyone of the current Public Health Measures:

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Maintain physical distancing of at least six feet or two meters.
  • Always wear a mask indoors in all public places or shared areas at work.
  • Do not gather or share food at work, including breakrooms, at check-stops, warm-up areas, smoking areas, etc.
  • If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 or feel unwell, stay at home.
  • Seek medical care if you need it. If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, reschedule your appointments to a later time, when possible. If the appointment is of an urgent nature, call ahead of your appointment time, noting you have COVID-19 symptoms. If you test positive, a public health worker will contact you privately for next steps. If you are having medical emergency, call 911.

Now, more than ever, we need to be vigilant and redouble our efforts that remove opportunities for the virus to spread.

The Health Canada COVID Alert app is available to all Saskatchewan residents at no cost in the Apple and Google Play app store.

This is another tool available to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 by letting people know of possible exposures without sharing any personal information. For more information, visit the COVID-19 Apps webpage.

Your informed choices and actions will make a difference to protect yourself and others.


All Nations’ Healing Hospital is owned and operated by File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council (FHQTC) and Touchwood Agency Tribal Council (TATC) and is funded through a transfer agreement from Health Canada and an operating agreement with the Saskatchewan Health Authority.

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