24-Hour Emergency ServicePh: (306) 332-5611Emergency: Dial 911450 8th StreetFort Qu'Appelle, SK, CANOffice Hours Mon-Fri: 8 am - 4 pm

May 9, 2022 Jordan's Principle

May 10 is Spirit Bear’s birthday, which has become not only the logo, but the mascot and an important symbol of Jordan’s Principle and the Human Rights Tribunal ruling. We have compiled a list of links, documents, and information to help you understand more about Jordan’s Principle as we celebrate May 10.

Link to video: Spirit Bear and Children Make HistorySpirit Bear and Children Make History – Shareable on Vimeo

Link to FN Caring Society website (Bear Witness Day) – Bear Witness Day | The Caring Society (fncaringsociety.com)

Crossword Puzzle PDF Download

Visit our Jordan’s Principle Page today to find out more information.


February 2, 2022 Jordan's Principle

Earlier this month, you may have heard some conversation regarding compensation for First Nations children: “On December 31, 2021, negotiations between the Parties reached an Agreement in Principle (AIP) that sets out a non-binding plan for Canada to satisfy the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal orders to cease its discriminatory conduct and prevent its recurrence in the provision of child and family services and Jordan’s Principle” (First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, 2022). To clarify, this is a step in the right direction for Canada but is a pre-agreement that has yet to be finalized through a Final Settlement Agreement.

In the video (link below), Cindy Blackstock, executive director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society (FNCFCS), explains further.

VIDEO: Indigenous child welfare compensation deal just ‘words on paper’ for now: Cindy Blackstock – YouTube

For more information on this pre-agreement and what this could mean for First Nations children in Canada, please see the attached document from FNCFCS: (PDF LINK) “Settlement Agreement in Principle Regarding Compensation for First Nations Children”. As more information becomes available in the coming months, we will do our best to keep you updated!

For more information, please contact our Jordan’s Principle Health Navigators:

Deanna Hoffort (306-332-3658) and Kelsey Moore (306-332-8247)

Visit the Department Page

AFN AIP Time Line (PDF)


November 26, 2021 HealthJordan's Principle

The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society (FNCFCS) has been instrumental in holding the Government of Canada accountable in their implementation of Jordan’s Principle through legal cases held by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.

In the video below, “Wanted: Moral Courage in Social Work with Dr. Cindy Blackstock”, Dr. Blackstock, executive director of FNCFCS, discusses the ongoing complexities and challenges that surround the implementation of Jordan’s Principle, and according to her, “Reconciliation means not saying sorry twice” (Blackstock, 2008).

For more information, please contact our Jordan’s Principle Health Navigators:

Deanna Hoffort (306-332-3658) and Kelsey Moore (306-332-8247)

Visit the Department Page




“Wanted: Moral Courage in Social Work with Dr. Cindy Blackstock”



All Nations’ Healing Hospital is owned and operated by File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council (FHQTC) and Touchwood Agency Tribal Council (TATC) and is funded through a transfer agreement from Health Canada and an operating agreement with the Saskatchewan Health Authority.

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